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WCSD Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey


927 Hwy. 48 East

Tylertown, MS 39667


601-876-5410 (fax)

Dexter Elementary School

Welcome Everyone!


Dexter Attendance Center is dedicated to our students, our parents, and our community. Our faculty and staff are highly committed to providing academic excellence to all students. We are made up of outstanding students in grades kindergarten through eighth. Dexter Attendance Center is devoted to creating a safe environment where children can learn and grow.


Mission: Teachers teaching

Students learning

Schools improving


Vision: Create a productive school culture for change

That increases teacher effectiveness,

Improves student proficiency,

And builds public confidence.

Dexter Bulldogs

Dexter Open House


Teacher Carol Jenkins-2nd Grade

Parents: Drew Breeland, Cheyenne Swing, Takesa Lenoir

Dexter Jr. High Basketball Teams


Teacher Hope Singletary 4th/5th Grade

Mark and Kaylen Felps with dad Christopher Felps

Dexter Booster club and staff showed its appreciation to Mrs. Deloris Breland for all of her hard work and dedication to Dexter Elementary. February is school board appreciation month so the booster club and staff gave Mrs. Breland a card and a gift to show how much she is appreciated. She is a dedicated member of the Dexter community as well as the school. Mrs. Breland not only serves on the school board but she also donates her time to Dexter by participating in events and donates monetary amounts to make these possible. We would also like to say thanks to all of our school board members and our superintendent who endeavor to make the schools in Walthall County a better place for our students. 




814 Morse Avenue

Tylertown, MS 39667

The Walthall County School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities on a non-discriminatory basis in compliance with the requirements of the following federal civil rights legislation: Title VI, Title IX, the Vocational Amendments of 1976 and 1979, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 94-142. Further, the Walthall County School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, or handicap. The lack of English language skills is not a barrier to participation in any course. ESSA Law Section 112 (e) (3) (D) BASIS FOR ADMISSION OR EXCLUSION.  A student shall not be admitted to or excluded from, any federally-assisted education program on the basis of a surname or language minority status.   The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX/ADA Coordinator, 814A Morse Avenue, Tylertown, MS 39667, 601-876-3401, or 504 Coordinator, 814A Morse Street, Tylertown, MS 39667, 601-876-3401.  Any waste, fraud, and abuse complaints should be reported to the superintendent's office.




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