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WCSD Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey



803 Ball Avenue

Tylertown, MS 39667


601-222-1506 (fax)

Career and Technology Center


The Walthall County Career and Technology Center was established in 2001.  We service high school students grades 10th - 12th from Tylertown High School and Salem Attendance Center.  We offer eight 2-year programs of study.  Each class is a 2-hour period where 2 Carnegie units are given for successfully completing the course.  The students are bused from their home school to attend the 2-hour class period each day.
Our mission is preparing today's students for tomorrow's careers.
Our vision is that all students will learn and be engaged in a career pathway experience to a level that makes them highly qualified for post-secondary education and the workplace.
                                                      Dr. William J. Lofton, Director

Walthall County Career & Technology Crew

WCCTC Participate in
Community Service Projects

Construction students helped build and install a handicapped ramp in the community.

Preparing Today’s Students for

Tomorrow’s Careers

CTE Month -Celebrate CTE Superheroes


            Student Services Coordinator


What does a student services coordinator do? 


1. They help recruit and guide students into a vocational program.


2. They provide additional instruction to CTE students who need help preparing for any subject-area test or CPAS test.


3. They provide additional instruction to CTE students who need help in any of their classes.


4. They help non-traditional students be successful in their CTE class.


5. They assist CTE students in making responsible choices about their career.

National Honor Society Student Qualifiers



  • Enrolled in second-year CTE program

  • 80 or higher grade in CTE course

  • Have to pass National Certification

  • 3.0 GPA 

  • No out-of-school suspensions and no more than 4 in-school suspensions

  • 95% attendance rate


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Automotive program receives
car donation.

Students working on a
vehicle engine.


Students create dioramas of the top import/export countries with the U. S.

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Students create businesses and
build city project.



Students put the finishing work
on a picnic table.

Students help build
deer stand.


Students perform

Students investigate
a crime scene.


Students receive FEMA certification.

Lt. Mark from DPS: CTED Division demonstrates arrest techniques as a guest speaker.



Students create
bulletin board.

Students working on designing a
layout of their classrooms.



Students welding
a firepit together.

Students working on 
a trailer.


Students giving an injection of dewormer
to a calf during the Animal Science Unit.

Students learning how to
maintain a horseshoe.


Automotive Service Technician


Automotive Service is a pathway for students in the Transportation career cluster. The Automotive Service pathway includes classroom and hands-on experiences that prepare students for employment or continuing education in the auto service industry.  This program is written to incorporate the ASE learning objectives/content and hours.  The club organization for Automotive Service is Skills USA.

Business Marketing and Finance


Business Marketing and Finance is a 2-year program for students in the Business: Management, Marketing, and Technology Pathway. The program is designed to prepare students for careers or continuing education in business management or entrepreneurship. Business Marketing and Finance class can count as the economics credit needed to graduate.  The club organization for Business Marketing and Finance is FBLA.



Construction/Carpentry is an instructional program that prepares students for employment or continued education in the occupation of carpentry. The curriculum framework for this program was developed in partnership with the Mississippi Construction Education Foundation (MCEF).  The club organization for Construction/Carpentry is Skills USA.

Health Sciences I and II


Health Sciences is a pathway of courses for students in the Healthcare career cluster. The Health Sciences pathway includes classroom and hands-on experiences that will provide students with an overview of the healthcare field as well as prepare students for careers in occupations in all facets of healthcare.  Health Sciences I and II can count as 2 science credits needed to graduate. The club organization for Health Science is HOSA.

Law and Public Safety


The fields of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security involve planning, managing and providing legal, public safety, protective and homeland security services and also include the professional and technical-support assistance of personnel within these fields. Careers in this field involve serving and/or protecting our citizens. Law, public safety, corrections and security workers are found in a variety of settings. This pathway prepares students for careers in such areas as criminology, legal studies, forensics and psychology.  The club organization for Law and Public Safety is SkillsUSA.

Educator Preparation


Educator Preparation is a pathway for students in the Human Science, Art, and Humanities career cluster. The Educator Preparation program is a high school course designed to attract students to the field of education, to provide information and field experiences relevant to pursuing a degree in education, and to prepare students for the rigors of a career in education so they will remain long-term educators. The club organization for Educator Preparation is Educators Rising.



Welding is an instructional program that prepares students for employment or continued education in the occupations of the welding field. The curriculum framework for this program was developed in partnership with the Mississippi Construction Education Foundation (MCEF). MCEF is the accredited sponsor for the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).  The club organization for Welding is Skills USA.

Agriculture and Natural Science


The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Pathway focuses on supporting life by ensuring that we are responsibly managing our food production and natural resources. These areas supply us and many other countries with a wide variety of food products and non-food products, such as fibers, natural resources, and nursery items. These fields contribute positively to our foreign trade balance, and they remain some of the nation’s larger industries in terms of total employment. This pathway focuses on preparing students for careers in the planning, implementing, producing, managing, processing, and marketing of agricultural goods and services.  The club organization for Agriculture and Natural Science is FFA.



814 Morse Avenue

Tylertown, MS 39667

The Walthall County School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities on a non-discriminatory basis in compliance with the requirements of the following federal civil rights legislation: Title VI, Title IX, the Vocational Amendments of 1976 and 1979, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 94-142. Further, the Walthall County School District offers equal educational and employment opportunities to all persons without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, or handicap. The lack of English language skills is not a barrier to participation in any course. ESSA Law Section 112 (e) (3) (D) BASIS FOR ADMISSION OR EXCLUSION.  A student shall not be admitted to or excluded from, any federally-assisted education program on the basis of a surname or language minority status.   The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX/ADA Coordinator, 814A Morse Avenue, Tylertown, MS 39667, 601-876-3401, or 504 Coordinator, 814A Morse Street, Tylertown, MS 39667, 601-876-3401.  Any waste, fraud, and abuse complaints should be reported to the superintendent's office.




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